Time: 2017-02-06
Spiral sand washing machine is sand and gravel production line for sand and gravel cleaning of a dedicated mining machinery and equipment is a large-scale machinery and equipment, that is mainly able to clean a sand and gravel machinery.It occupies a very important position in the sand Stone production line.
Spiral sand washing machine is very important mining machinery for the industrial, metallurgical industry and thermal power plants and so on. shanghai joyal mining machinery today emphasize that the spiral sand washing machine as a large-scale machinery and equipment in the Operation not only need to pay attention to the correct operation of spiral sand washing machine also need to pay attention to the safety of operators.
Spiral sand washing machine in the course of the operation need to pay attention to what are the main operational safety? Here joayl simple talk about some of these points, hoping to arouse our attention. First, when the spiral sand washing machine failure, users need to carefully analyze the causes of failure, and then take the appropriate security precautions.
Online maintenance to take the necessary preventive measures; power-off operations. Power at the need to hang warning signs to pay attention to non-staff can not easily enter the operating area, in case of emergency, to timely shutdown shutdown maintenance.
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